Please Volunteer at Alvord Lake this Saturday,October 26 2024

 Please Volunteer this Saturday, 
October 26, 2024
10am - Noon
The fourth Saturday of every month
offers an opportunity to help beautify
the eastern end of Golden Gate Park.
 Meet at the plaza above the lakelet
at Stanyan and Haight Streets.
Look for the SFR&P vehicle to determine our location.

Volunteer slots are limited-
so please sign the waiver in the link quickly.

To ensure the safety and comfort of all parties involved, if you are feeling unwell, please do not come.

Volunteer Guidelines

The supervising gardener is your host. Please respect his/her knowledge and experience. Park gardening is not the same as home gardening. Ask questions and seek assistance.


  • Please wear closed-toed shoes. Wear comfortable clothing that covers your entire body (long sleeves, long pants, etc.) And don't forget the sunscreen and perhaps a hat! 

  • Wear gloves and use tools provided in ways demonstrated by the work crew supervisor. 

  • “Eyes before hands.” When picking up trash from under bushes, behind trees, and under benches, use the tool provided to pull things out where you can see them. Then pick them up.

  • Be aware of the locations of other workers and members of the public to ensure your safety and theirs.

  • Lift with your legs, not your back.

  • Wear long sleeves, long pants, and closed–toed shoes (ideally boots); you may be work in or around poison oak or blackberries.

  • Avoid picking up broken glass and hypodermic needles. Notify the gardener if you find anything undesirable.

  • Drink water to avoid dehydration. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before touching and eatingfood

  • Volunteers are not allowed to use power tools, or apply herbicides/pesticides.

    Work Site:
    Stack debris out of the way of the public but still accessible to staff trucks. Stack cut branches with butt end to road. Keep bagged trash separate from organic debris, weeds separate from brush. Pile weeds to be picked up in small piles (handled by one swoop of pitchfork) so that staff can easily load trucks.



District 8 October 2024 Newsletter